Thursday 19 January 2012

Sub-genres of horror research

Slasher horror
Slasher horrors are defined by the graphically violent murders, usually involving a psychopathic killer with multiple victims; the deaths normally by knives, axes and such like. In these films the violence and amount of fear is more important to the director than the development of characters. The plot is made is made in this way to keep the audience interested, each film is also made to be as original as it can be made. Some films that fit into this sub-genre are ‘Halloween’, ‘Prom night’ and ‘Saw’. In this sub-genre the film posters often show the murder weapon or the victim, if it is the victim it often shows the fear that they are feeling through their facial expressions.

Supernatural horror
Supernatural horrors are defined by the characters; these horrors involve characters such as demons, witches, ghosts and such like. Normally these characters are the villains targeting innocent and vulnerable characters or vulnerable characters that have had to do something that isn’t very nice for one reason or another. Some films that fit into this sub-genre are ‘Drag me to hell’, ‘Paranormal activity’ and ‘Don’t be afraid of the dark’. In this sub-genre the film posters often show the victims and the fear that they are feeling through their facial expressions.

Psychological Horror
Psychological horrors are defined by the effect they have on the audience emotionally. They rely on the characters emotions, fears, guilt and beliefs along with the sound effects and music to build the tension and to continue the effectiveness of the plot. The villain is often a normal human and is often not revealed as the villain until near the end of the film. Psychological horrors tend to go for the more subtle approach than other horrors; they also tend to centre around the issues that happen behind clothes doors such as relationship problems. They want the audience to go through the same emotions as the victim is in the film. These films show how an ordinary person can be evil within which means that more people can relate to these type of films. The main purpose for this type of film is to expose the feelings of fear that we all try to hide, such as the fear of the abnormal. Some films that fit into this sub-genre are ‘Silent hill’, ‘Psycho’ and ‘No one could protect her’. In this sub-genre the film posters often show the victim and their raw emotions through their posture and facial expressions.

Musical horror
Musical horrors can fit into any other sub-genres but these films rely on the music to get to the audience. The lyrics are specifically written and the melody is specifically created to get the true emotions across and affect the audience in a massive way. A film that fits into this sub-genre is ‘Sweeney Todd’. This sub-genre doesn’t have a specific film poster type, the film posters fit with the other sub-genres they are in.

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